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Wie Kann Ich In Microsoft Word For Mac

Oct 12, 2012 - If you web-search on 'unlocking word document,' you get a bunch of pages. Mac users: ExtendScript Toolkit works well as a text editor in this.

- Copyright information: Unless otherwise specified, all text and images on this website are licensed under the. This does not include the source code of LibreOffice, which is licensed under the. “LibreOffice” and “The Document Foundation” are registered trademarks of their corresponding registered owners or are in actual use as trademarks in one or more countries.

Their respective logos and icons are also subject to international copyright laws. Use thereof is explained in our. LibreOffice was based on OpenOffice.org.

DocX is a compressed zip container file. Make a copy of the original docx file. If you unzip it, there is a subfolder named word with a file named settings.xml. You can open settings.xml with a plain text editor.

Wie Kann Ich In Microsoft Word For Mac Download


Within that there is a block of text: You can either change w:enforcement value to 0 or remove the block entirely. Then you zip up the whole thing again (don't zip up the whole folder: the contenttypes.xml and subfolders must be root of the zip file.), rename the result to have a Docx extension, and then open it in word. From this link: How to Unlock a Word Document under Windows Seth Teller, August 2009 Some authors (for example, of forms to be filled out) 'lock' their documents under Windows. This is annoying, as it prevents you from fixing errors or adding anything to the document. If you web-search on 'unlocking word document,' you get a bunch of pages with advice that doesn't work under Windows, or pointers to paid software.

Here is a method that works, and is free:. Open your document in Word, then save it in '.xml' format. Open the.xml doc in wordpad, emacs, or your favorite text editor. Search for the string w:enforcement='1'.

Replace the '1' with a '0' to disable enforcement (i.e., unlock the document). Save the document from your text editor. Open the.xml document in Word. Choose 'Save as.' And save it as a.doc or.docx file. Your Word document can now be edited normally. Mac users: ExtendScript Toolkit works well as a text editor in this workaround.

MS Word has used 128-bit AES encryption so no, there's no easy way to unlock it. If think your password is simple enough or vunerable to a, you could try one of the various password cracking apps available (caveat downloader).

Wie Kann Ich In Microsoft Word For Mac 2017

Wie Kann Ich In Microsoft Word For Mac

It's trivial to remove the Edit protection from Word documents by editing 'settings.xml' within the compressed.docx file as discussed in other answers here. However, as you have applied 'Encrypt with Password' to require a password to open the document, that method won't be available.